Police misconduct includes excessive force, false arrests, wrongful imprisonment, discrimination, wrongful deaths, stopping without a proper cause and more.
You can think of police misconduct in a similar way as you would medical malpractice cases; they happen when an agreed standard is not upheld. In police misconduct cases, the standard is an individuals civil rights. When an individuals civil rights are infringed upon, turning to the law is the only option to get justice.
Filing a police misconduct case addresses the failures of the police department in adhering to the set standard for all citizens. They demand answers from offending police officers and recompense for those who have been wronged. Police misconduct cases have shaped proceedings between the police and citizens of the United States for decades as they give civilians a real voice. Proceedings in police misconduct cases can set new precedents, increase awareness and a commitment to justly aiding citizens.
One of our cases involved Ms. Marilyn Banks, a mother of two who was sitting on her front porch to beat the heat. A police officer in pursuit of a suspect, haphazardly fired shots which struck Marilyn and fatally injured her. The city of Saint Louis was outraged and wanted answers. We sued, won, and established a memorial trust fund for her two orphaned children.